Thursday, July 11, 2013


So many things to be scared of..
watching The Baby Story and Baby's first Day and it's scaring the crap out of me, but I figured better to not be scared of the unknown.

I cringe watching the epidural, c-sections and the baby being pushed out. I hate how long of a process it is, why does it have to take like 14 hours?!?!?!

I hope I don't worry and freak myself out my entire last trimester. I tend to build things up until they happen so much that when that day or procedure comes I'm extremely anxious and sick and pass out.

  • infections during flu season during my last trimester or fevers
  • infections during labor
  • pain pain, not being strong enough to handle it
  • how out of shape I will be for the birth
  • the lack of sleep we'll have for the next ten years
  • how new baby will affect our marriage
  • that i wont be the most patient momma
  • I'm scared until each appointment when I hear the baby's heart beat again
Right now it doesn't feel like I'm really pregnant, I think when the baby starts kicking that will be great and reassuring and knowing the sex will make it seem more real. How will my two dogs take to the baby. Will we have enough money for day care, dr bills, groceries, especially with the new house. 

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