Friday, June 21, 2013

When does the maternal guilt start, the I'm not good enough, well I'm thinking while pregnant. I had aspired to eat organic and super healthy while pregnant but lately I eat whatever won't come back up, if I can eat. I had a pregnancy melt down the other night and was feeling guilty because I haven't been eating healthy enough and have been too sick to clean the house and make it look nice. We just moved so there is still stuff everywhere. I don't really have any energy or motivation.

I can't complain, I've wanted this forever. I will say it's not easy. I have Zofran generic but I've been getting such bad headaches I try not to take it much because one of the side affects is headaches. My momma lets me call her and complain and she doesn't make me feel guilty for doing it. I love her.

The other thing that makes me feel weird or judged is when you tell someone you are pregnant the first thing they look at is your stomach. I've always been self conscious of mine, at least ever since I got out of high school. I was kind of chubby before pregnancy so I'm not fond of my belly being touched or looked at. I feel like too when you say how far along you are, the person starts to ponder whether you look too big for that month.. like oh she looks 6 months not 3!!

I know God will work everything out. There are a lot of worries though that come up but I just have to let them go and pray.

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