Friday, May 20, 2016


Being a mom can be lonely.. Especially a stay at home mom.. Especially to two young ones close in age, both in diapers.. Both napping. Don't get me wrong when the house is quiet it can be quite nice. 

You go through your day with hardly any adult conversation then when your hubby gets home he's burnt out on talking from his job and the kids get a lot of focus.. So your need for bonding and adulting falls to the wayside. 

I'm thankful I have my mom friends to hang with. I don't have to have something to take my children to everyday but it helps break the day up. If I go a whole day with no phone calls or texts because most people are busy working I just feel on my own, or maybe even forgotten but that's not often. You just have to listen to yourself and know when you need bonding time with friends, when you need a break, and when you need to reach out. 

Most of the time play dates are more for the moms, so the kids tire out, so we can talk to other adults, so we can also breathe in the fresh outdoor air and feel the sun on our skin too so when our kid wants to go home shortly after arrival.. After the process of getting dressed putting on sunscreen packing etc it can be quite frustrating.

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